Thursday, July 3, 2008

The way that music affects our life

Have you ever thought about the way that music affects our lives and the way that we sometimes let it control our emotions? I sometimes put on music that puts me a great mood and I tend to have a great day after that point, and sometimes I put on music that is upsetting or just plain outrageous. I tend to let that music run my emotions, and don't care about how much time I spend listening to music that is secular or just wrong to listen to. I just let things get into my head too much sometimes. Don't get me wrong I love to sit down and listen to some great music. However, sometimes I let it begin to control my life and the emotions that I put off. I am going to challenge myself this week, not to let the music I listen to affect me as much and begin to care about what other people's emotions are and not my own. It's time to care about others more than ourselves.

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