Monday, November 16, 2009

How I continue to make mistakes

I guess this is just an entry to talk about some of the things that I have been dealing with. I have found myself in a tough place right now and I guess that it isn't really easy to discuss this. But here we go.
So lately I have felt like all I have been doing is making a lot of mistakes and it is hard for me to see the difference that I am making in people's lives. I feel that after so many years of great friendships and really close people I have both lost and pushed away really close friendships.
I have found that we learn the most from our mistakes. I have made a lot of them but more importantly I have prevented myself from even more of them by learning from my previous decisions. I guess in all of this I just have found that the most important the to learn is that we all make mistakes and the truly amazing people are the one's who learn from their mistakes and are able to move on from their previous ones.
For me the ultimate example of someone who can move beyond people's mistakes is Jesus Christ I have had to realize that we all make mistakes and that the only truly perfect person is Jesus Christ and he is the only one who can truly not forgive people yet he is the most forgiving person on the earth because he loves us more than we can ever fathom.
So for me this mean that I need to try harder every day to forgive people and that includes myself. I guess that for me life has so much more meaning when I can get beyond myself.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What?... a new post!

So i'm sure that no one really reads this anymore since I haven't posted in ages. I do in fact still exist if you were wondering.
So what's been going on with me? Well I have become really busy between being a full time student working three jobs. I know you may be thinking "what three jobs?" Well you see the truth is that it's not really that bad and I truly do enjoy each of my jobs.
Anyways enough of this clique explanation for why i'm so busy in my life. So I have recently been thinking about what is important in my life? What truly is my cornerstone in life. And I have come to find it's one of three things:
Ok yes again something that is so clique but hear me out for just a moment.

The reason God has been such a cornerstone for my life is because he is the center of everything that I am and everything that I care about. God is more than just something to show up for every once in a while he is in absolutely everything that I do and think.
Ok so this one has become really important to me recently. Some of you know that I have become an uncle recently and yes he is amazing. You'll see a picture of him above. He is such a lesson for my life. That we do deserve things in our life that are special and life changing. We deserve to blessings and Tressel has truly become a blessing in my life. He is more than just my new nephew. He is my little buddy and I wouldn't want anything to ever happen to him. Having a new nephew has not only gotten me close to him but also my brother and his wife. I'm so much more appreciative of my family and what they do for me.
The friends in my life have truly shown me what my life's purpose is and how I can love and be loved by others. Thanks to everyone who has given up time for me. You are all such a blessing to my life.

So may be asking why did he just describe all of these. Well I have found that it is so much more meaningful if you truly look at what is important in your life. I have found that I have changed over the past year a lot and I will continue to as I near the end of my college career.